Intuitive Astrology: New Moon in Cancer July

We are closing out Cancer Season with a double New Moon in Cancer, the sun and moon together in the sky again, this time at 28 degrees, closing out the end of Cancer Season with a giant cosmic cuddle. This moon is deeply nurturing, one that is asking us to come home to ourselves.

New Moons are a time of renewal, of checking in, sitting in the darkness and allowing ourselves to open up, and initiate in some new wisdom. This is your time of introspection and possibility of new beginnings. During the dark moon energy we can tap into its power to initiate new growth. This is where we are given permission to sit and be still, to listen to the innate knowing and understanding intuitively what new beginnings are. 

New moons are when we set new intentions, and it is here in the dark that is truly the birth of creation. We sit in the unknowing, in the quiet, in the darkness, everything we ever imagine starts in ways we do not fully understand until we look back. We are closing the door behind decades of trapped energetic trauma, and this New Moon is here to hold you while you lean in to what is alive for you. 

There is a perfect opposition in the cosmos, between the sun and moon at 28 degrees of Cancer and Saturn at 28 degrees of Capricorn. Saturn is at home in Capricorn and the Moon is at home in Cancer, the two of them are in their most aligned, natural, and relaxed state.

There is a harmonising mother and father energy to this new moon with the Moon and Saturn opposition, inviting balance into our lives and showing us where we need to nurture ourselves more with that motherly moon in cancer energy, and where we need to find the courage and the discipline to focus on what things we want with the father energy of saturn in Capricorn.

This is a really good time to integrate all the lessons we have learned through Eclipse Season, anything we have learned through cancer season, and even what came up for us during Mercury Retrograde.

This New Moon is a powerful time to connect with your shadows, and you may have been experiencing a lot of purging recently. Since the last New Moon we have been working through our shadow self, emotions have been high and this moon has highlighted where we need to focus our energy more and where it is we need to heal. 

Take time to nurture yourself more this month, show yourself some extra kindness and shower yourself in love.

Setting intentions for healing and self-care will help you balance out all of these emotions that are stirring within you right now, make sure to take time to pause to appreciate you. 

Anything that you can do over this next moon cycle to elevate your frequency will help keep your energy balanced while you navigate your way through this next ascension process.

To heal from what has been lurking beneath the shadows one must try to understand what is causing the pain or emotions that are bubbling up.

Ask yourself: What came up for you this month? What did you struggle with? What frustrations & irritations were note-worthy?

What lessons did you learn? What wisdom are you taking forward into the next moon cycle?

Sit with whatever comes up for you and integrate the wisdom from your higher-self and give yourself love and gratitude for being you. 

I love you. Blessed New Moon xxx



  • mzjwoLGyae


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