Have you ever wanted to do something for so long that when you finally get around to doing it you feel so immensely grateful and happy? Well this is how i’m feeling right now. For as long as I can remember I have dreamed of travelling to India, and one week today I will finally be going for 1 month.
I will be flying to Rishikesh to immerse myself in Indian culture, my favourite food and more yoga than you can shake a stick at. I have never been so excited for anything in my whole life!
India has been on the list for at least 10 years, it's the one place I have always dreamed about, I’ve been in love with India from afar for a very long time… is it possible to feel such a strong connection to a place even though i’ve never been before?
I have always been a big believer in law of attraction - attracting what you want out of positive thinking, vision boards, and visualisation - asking the Universe and Mamma Moon for the things I want to manifest into my life.
I decided to take one of my biggest dreams and turn it into a reality. I decided I needed to explore where I am today, and ask myself what is it that I can do to take myself and my business to the next level. Every fibre of my being was aching for India.
Practising yoga is a big part of my life, I don’t think i’d have the mental focus and the clarity without it. I would love to develop my knowledge further, and that is exactly what i’m going to India to do. The opportunity to expand my mind, my business and my spiritual journey, and most of all tune in deeper to myself and my yoga practise.
This is a journey of health and wellness, self discovery and healing.
For the past couple of months I have felt different within myself, I could tell big shifts were happening in my life and with my energy. Relationships were changing, I was/am craving growth, adventure and a stronger connection to myself. It was no coincidence that turning 30 on April 15th, the night of the New Moon in Aries, with all of its fiery go-getting energy had a big part to play in my decision. It helped catapult my vision into fruition to finally go to India to seek out and explore what my soul was searching for....
I was craving change, new beginnings and a higher purpose, and the cosmos aligned itself in my favour. I had been given the magic when I needed it the most, I had set myself a goal and I was determined to chase my dream.
This is a journey of freedom and adventure and being able to say I finally did it. I have spent hours pinning picturesque views of India, dreaming of temples and of practising yoga in the himalayas, and recently it occurred to me that I had been projecting these travel plans for months in every moon ritual I had performed. I asked the universe for this over, and over, and I'm finally doing it.
I am a big believer in divine timing, and being on the right path exactly when you're meant to, I believe in following my gut, and there really couldn’t be a more perfect time for me to go. The time is now.
So here I go! I will be documenting my travels through Lost Cosmos, you can keep up to date on my journey through this blog.
I vow to take you with me and bring you my adventures, my yoga inspiration, and any wisdom I receive.
Let the journey begin...
"May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you,. and the pure light within you, guide your way on."
Love, Light and Healing always,
Samantha xxx
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