Scorpio Full Moon Astrology

Full Moon in Scorpio 29th - 30th April

If you're a big believer in Moon Magic, then you must be as excited as I am after the New Moon in Aries recently on the 15th of April. Combined with the fiery energy of this Scorpio Full Moon, this is kind of a big deal astrologically! With both Scorpio and Aries ruled by Mars, these energies are the most passionate and forward-pushing of all the planets. The perfect combination for projecting and manifesting your wildest dreams and desires. I for one have been super excited for these energies to unfold. After all, this is one of the most potent and powerful Full Moons of the year!

The Scorpio Full Moon is always deeply transformative, bringing things to the surface that require change. This is one of the best times for letting go and cleansing away things that no longer serve you.

Full Moon’s are always bringing our manifestations to life, all the magic and the hard work you have put in during the New Moon, start to come into fruition during the full phase. The energies of this moon will awaken parts of you that need to be addressed, the presence of the Scorpio Full Moon is here to assist you in your transformation.

Scorpio Full Moon’s are said to celebrate death, rebirth and transformation, so if you’re looking to transform your life, you can really use this energy to make bold changes. However you must first be prepared to work on yourself, to unearth even the darkest places within you so that you may see the light.

You may have been experiencing deep urges for change, for something new, better, exciting? Well the time is now for you to take action on your dreams. Mamma Moon wants to deeply transform you. You are being encouraged to awaken, follow your dreams and dig deep within yourself. It is time to become enlightened.

The energies surrounding this Full Moon are already so strong, are you paying attention to the feelings and emotions that are stirring for you? Are you feeling the need to retreat into Hermit mode? Do you feel you need to protect your energy and spend more time alone with your thoughts? All this is perfectly natural to feel this way, especially under a Scorpio Moon.

Under the guidance and protection of this Full Moon, you are going to be given the opportunity to begin deep healing within yourself. You will start to release things in your life that no longer serve you and let go of things that are holding you back. You will be given the chance to be who you were meant to be, before you got lost on your path. You can finally step into your life’s mission and your soul purpose.

While you are undergoing this healing and transformation, you will be able to start clearing out old energies that are lying stagnant within you, you can start to release and let go off all things that are blocking you from becoming your true authentic self. To do this you need to fully surrender. Bare your soul to yourself, address what needs to changing, completely let go of all things you think you are and sit with the parts of yourself that make you feel uncomfortable.

"Self-discovery is crucial to living an authentic life. Be true to who you want to be by taking the journey within and discovering who you truly are." 

Whatever the healing journey you need to take, no matter how painful, have faith in the universe and faith in you, trust that you will make it out the other side a better version of you. The energy of the Scorpio Full Moon runs so deep that it will touch you, and awaken you even if you’re not ready. So to make the journey easier for yourself, surrender and go with the flow. Be prepared to go deep, but with love and respect for yourself and your journey, and go with what feels right for you.

Love always and many blessings on this Full Moon!

Samantha xxx

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