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The Collective Awakening: A Journey of Divine Balance and Evolution

Since the Virgo full moon on February 24th, a profound shift has been unfolding within the collective consciousness, marking the beginning of a new era of awakening and transformation. This cosmic event served as a catalyst for a collective purge, inviting humanity to confront deeply rooted patterns and awaken to higher truths. The subsequent intense full moon in Libra on March 25th, positioned on the relationship axis with Aries, further amplified this transformative energy. Across the globe, individuals experienced significant endings and closures in their personal lives, reflecting a larger cosmic realignment of energies. In my own journey and observation, I've witnessed numerous relationships coming to an end, mirroring the imbalance that has plagued the divine masculine and feminine energies....

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Scorpio Full Moon 2024

Ever wondered why the Full Moon in Scorpio always feels like it kicks your arse? Astrologically, a full moon in Scorpio is often associated with intensity, transformation, and deep emotional insights. It's a time when hidden emotions may come to the surface, and there's a focus on understanding the depths of our desires and motivations. Scorpio's energy encourages us to delve into our subconscious, confront our fears, and embrace change. This full moon may bring about revelations or endings that pave the way for personal growth and renewal. It's a powerful time for introspection, letting go of what no longer serves us, and embracing transformation. Scorpio is a water sign, associated with intensity, depth, and transformation, which can create a...

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Intuitive Astrology: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

As we traverse the infinite cosmic expanse, we encounter celestial phenomena that awaken our consciousness and catalyse our journey towards growth and enlightenment. Eclipse Season is one such powerful moment, where the universe bestows upon us a concentrated influx of energy, urging us to shed our old skins and embrace the new.  The universe is alight with potent energy, surging with a force unlike any other. We stand witness to a rare celestial event, as the second new moon in Aries solar eclipse from last month continues to reverberate its power across the heavens, paving the way for transformative changes that will manifest in our lives. Pluto's square with the 29-degree mark of Aries will repeatedly activate and re-energise the...

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Intuitive Astrology: Scorpio Full Super Moon April 2021

The Scorpio Full Moon at 7 degrees on April 26/27th is a time to pause and listen to more of what is moving through you at a deeper level of your being. Reflection, meditation, and stillness are supported as the Full Moon illuminates where we have potential work to do during this momentary pause. The Universe is asking us to slow down and go within.  This has been a very powerful month for energy as we have been transitioning through April with the cardinal fire sign of Aries initiating new beginnings and strong new dynamics.  The Sun has now shifted from Aries into Taurus, so whatever you have been initiating through the first half of the month you can now...

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Intuitive Astrology: Super Full Moon in Scorpio 2020

The Third and final Super Full Moon of the year falls on the 7th May 2020 in the sign of Scorpio at 17 degrees. Scorpio energy yields transformation and honours the cycle of life, death and rebirth. This Super Full Moon in Scorpio is a huge moon of transformation, a shedding of the skin, here to bring a new level of understanding and awakening. The Scorpio Full Moon is also known as the flower moon, perfect for Taurus season as everything is coming into bloom. Like a flower we must surrender to the cycle of life and be open to lose parts of ourselves in order to blossom into another. We have a profound Taurus \ Scorpio axis with the...

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