The Scorpio Full Moon at 7 degrees on April 26/27th is a time to pause and listen to more of what is moving through you at a deeper level of your being. Reflection, meditation, and stillness are supported as the Full Moon illuminates where we have potential work to do during this momentary pause. The Universe is asking us to slow down and go within. This has been a very powerful month for energy as we have been transitioning through April with the cardinal fire sign of Aries initiating new beginnings and strong new dynamics. The Sun has now shifted from Aries into Taurus, so whatever you have been initiating through the first half of the month you can now...
The Third and final Super Full Moon of the year falls on the 7th May 2020 in the sign of Scorpio at 17 degrees. Scorpio energy yields transformation and honours the cycle of life, death and rebirth. This Super Full Moon in Scorpio is a huge moon of transformation, a shedding of the skin, here to bring a new level of understanding and awakening. The Scorpio Full Moon is also known as the flower moon, perfect for Taurus season as everything is coming into bloom. Like a flower we must surrender to the cycle of life and be open to lose parts of ourselves in order to blossom into another. We have a profound Taurus \ Scorpio axis with the...
Full Moon in Scorpio 29th - 30th April If you're a big believer in Moon Magic, then you must be as excited as I am after the New Moon in Aries recently on the 15th of April. Combined with the fiery energy of this Scorpio Full Moon, this is kind of a big deal astrologically! With both Scorpio and Aries ruled by Mars, these energies are the most passionate and forward-pushing of all the planets. The perfect combination for projecting and manifesting your wildest dreams and desires. I for one have been super excited for these energies to unfold. After all, this is one of the most potent and powerful Full Moons of the year! The Scorpio Full Moon is...