Intuitive Astrology: Super New Moon in Virgo

On August 30th we have a New Super Moon in Virgo, and this is going to be the most potent SuperMoon of the year as the moon is going to be at her closest point to Earth in its orbit. So this means it’s going to have an even stronger pull on the Earth’s tectonic plates but also on our psyche. This is a powerful time to manifest and it’s a super powerful new beginning as New Moons always are. It is also the second New Moon of the month; earning the title “The Super Black New Moon”. The Virgo New Moon at 7 degrees means it is time to crystallise your creative intentions and take action as you prioritise your soul mission in the physical world.

During the month of August we have had a lot of fiery, creative Leo energy, it was very much about tapping into your creative Divine spark, finding your light and sharing it with the world. Now we are moving away from the creative expression of Leo, and grounding the ideas, inspiration and the magic. We have 5 planets in Virgo (Mercury, Sun, Moon, Mars, and Venus) which is creating a rare stellium, a strong focal point of energy in one astrological sign.
Virgo is now grounding our focus and bringing us back to the tasks at hand that need our attention, time, and commitment.

During this New Moon phase, we should be looking at ways to improve our health, and looking at what areas in our life needs to improve, change or shift. We need to be open to changing aspects of our lives that we have outgrown or outworn. We are making space for new ideas, while liberating outdated beliefs. We need to embrace this Virgo energy as she brings the earth medicine to ground, centre, and balance us in the physical world.

With 5 planets in Virgo this makes a perfect time to start a new project, welcome in fresh inspiration and of course, focus more on the finer details. We can use this energy for more detailed planning, editing and the execution of our projects. This New Moon is going to feel like a highly motivated and charging time, with a lot of go getter energy. You may be feeling there is a sense of change happening in your life, maybe you’re shifting into alignment, or feeling the need to breakthrough and try something new. Projects you put on the back-burner could well be reignited.

Remember that this is a strong new beginning so whatever we put out into the universe during this powerful super New Moon is an act of planting a seed, and in roughly 6 months time, we should see the manifestation of our dreams and desires. Use the practicality and grounding energy of this Virgo Moon to focus energy and healing on the problems in the world as well our lives. Maybe you could offer this magic up to our beautiful Mother Gaia, and help towards a better cause.

 There is a lot of energy to this New Moon but it is gentle and is flowing harmoniously. It will be a beautiful way to wrap up these intense high vibrational energies we have had during the past couple of months, with the Eclipses in July and roaring Leo energy throughout August.

August has held the potential to be a turning point month, we are entering into the last quarter of the year, so if you are feeling like there are things you want to achieve before we reach 2020, or if you feel your life could benefit from some fresh inspiration or motivation, set an intention, or make a plan under this New Moon in order to seal this energy into your life. Remember the Universe can’t give us what we want if we don’t ask for it. The Cosmos has a stream of infinite possibilities and energy for us to tap into, but we have to be the ones to integrate it into our being. We need to set our intention and make small steps towards our vision.

There are big shifts happening on the planet and we have the power to contribute to making a positive impact and change for our world, or we have the power to contribute to the downfall of our planet. It is your choices that define how you help or destroy our home. Remember that our planet has everything we need to heal us, these gifts are offered freely to us, so we should offer something back in return.

The earthy Virgo New Moon is a loving and nurturing energy, here to remind us it’s ok to “just be” rather than constantly feeling the need to be “doing”. Get grounded, stay focused and breathe. As a society we are so caught up in our busy lifestyles and hectic work patterns we forget to be still. Taking time during this New Moon to meditate can really help ground our intentions as well as give us the breathing space to just be present, in the here and now.

Under the bountiful blessings of this Virgo Moon take time to relax, and ask for what you need. Trust that you are worthy of all that you ask for, and that there is more than enough abundance to go around. Set your intentions, give thanks for what you are going to receive and believe in yourself. You deserve all the love, happiness and magic that the Universe has to offer.

New Moon Blessings!

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