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Intuitive Astrology: New Moon in Pisces 2021

The New Moon in Pisces on the 13th March brings a new wave of consciousness with its dreamy, ethereal and transformative energy. The Pisces New Moons falls at 23° & 3 minutes which is a point of initiation and new beginnings, a very significant alignment with Pisces being the last sign of the zodiac, it’s energy bringing about completion, unravelling, releasing and letting go. There is a sense of something coming into awareness that you’re ready to let go of, something that you have healed from or a spiritual lesson that has ran its course, which is part of this Pisces energy that will be opening your heart up for greater expansion and revealing itself to you later in March...

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Intuitive Astrology: New Moon in Aquarius 2021

This is the most important New Moon of the year, the energy surrounding this New Moon is so powerful and impactful, not only do we have 8 planets in fixed signs, we have 6 planets in Aquarius forming in the same zodiac sign, creating what is known as a Stellium. At the time of this New Moon, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will all be in Aquarius, creating a supercharged energy field and making this a potent time to manifest your desires. The Sun and the Moon are conjunct at 23 degrees & 16 minutes of Aquarius, at 7:05pm on 11th February, making this is powerful a new beginning for you, this is the perfect moon to...

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Intuitive Astrology: Capricorn New Moon January 2021

New Moon in Capricorn 12th & 13th January 2021 We have a new year, new moon and a fresh new energy, 2021 has shifted from Earth energy into Air energy so we can expect a higher frequency, faster pace of life, further breakdowns of the patriarchal system, more rebellious action, revelations, awakenings and generally a more revolutionary year than 2020. New Moons are about new beginnings, it's about the ritual of setting intentions and being visionary in the darkness, they're also about rest, they're about listening in, and softening into the stillness. This Capricorn New Moon is your chance to initiate a new beginning, and the first New Moon of the New year so is your chance to activate and...

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Intuitive Astrology: Super New Moon in Virgo

The September 17th Super New Moon falls in the sign of Virgo and is the first in a line up of three Super New Moons. The energy of this beautiful New Moon has emphasis on nurturing and healing. Shadow season is fast approaching and is a time here in the Northern Hemisphere where we start to take our journey inwards for self reflection and introspection. Just as the world around us starts to wane, we can look towards these darker months for guidance on what it is we internally need to let go of and shed, and what it is we need to harvest to keep us full of gratitude and vitality through these winter months. Before we start to...

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Intuitive Astrology: Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse

On June 20th-21st we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer, falling just moments after the Summer Solstice, making this the most powerful New Moon of 2020. The New Moon falls at zero degrees of Cancer, and zero degrees of any zodiac sign is a powerful portal that represents a world of infinite possibilities. A New Moon is always for setting new intentions, and when it lands on zero degrees, this means this is a cosmic reset, a blank canvas for us all to create a new future.    On June 21st, as the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, we experience the Solstice, a moment where the Sun “stands still” as it reaches its farthest...

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