On June 20th-21st we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer, falling just moments after the Summer Solstice, making this the most powerful New Moon of 2020. The New Moon falls at zero degrees of Cancer, and zero degrees of any zodiac sign is a powerful portal that represents a world of infinite possibilities. A New Moon is always for setting new intentions, and when it lands on zero degrees, this means this is a cosmic reset, a blank canvas for us all to create a new future. On June 21st, as the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, we experience the Solstice, a moment where the Sun “stands still” as it reaches its farthest...
New Moon 22nd May 2020 at 2 degrees of Gemini New moons are a cosmic reset, a blank slate, where we get to create a new vision and imprint into the energy field of our multiverse, and we get to decide what is going to unfold for us in the next lunar cycle. This is our chance to cast our dreams out into the conscious stream of infinite possibility, an opportunity to set our intentions for what we want to manifest into our lives. The New Moon happens once a month when the Sun and Moon are conjunct, a renewal of energy, a new force, a new alignment between the feminine (moon), and the masculine (sun), it is a cosmic...
On December 25th-26th things are about to get a whole lot more magickal. We are entering into the last New Moon of the decade and we are welcoming the start of Eclipse Season, with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. Solar Eclipses are powerful portals, that accelerate our souls expansion at a rapid speed, combined with the potent rebirthing energy of a New Moon, we are gearing up for a stellar shift and an elevated level of consciousness for the collective. The energy surrounding this Solar Eclipse is abundant and expansive, and with the Earthly sign of Capricorn, this New Moon is grounding in nature, helping us ground our intentions into this reality. Capricorn is an...
Under the light of this October Full Moon, we are being guided to take action on our true purpose as well as accept ourselves for all of our shadows and flaws. The Moon falls in the sign of Aries, and in true warrior style, we are encouraged to take no prisoners on this path to self freedom, but with the Sun opposing the Moon in the sign of Libra, we are reminded that we don’t have to chart this path alone even if the independent, stubborn and bold Arian energy wants us to. On Sunday 13th October we have a Full Moon at 20° of Aries and it is going to illuminate something in our psyche that has been buried...
The Virgo Super New Moon on the 30th August brings an abundance of cosmic offerings and will give us the chance to rebuild and restructure our lives by offering us grounding and super charged energy. It is bringing with it the potential to start new projects, a chance to start a fresh new beginning and lift and support us down the direction we wish to travel. We just have to be willing to release and let go of the past, so that we can move lightly into our future. New Moons represent the start of a new lunar cycle and are a great time to plant seeds and set intentions for the month to come. While this is true of all New...