I wanted to share with you my story about how this Moon, around this time last year had a powerful and positive impact on my life.
My Full Moon Rituals were birthed from the potent energy of this New Moon in Aries. Last year on my 30th Birthday, on the 15th April, the moon fell in my sign, and I knew the potential this moon had for me. I could feel it!
Feeling compelled to do my rituals as always, I did what I always do on a New Moon, I bathed, saged my myself and my space, lit my candles and meditated. Only this time my meditation went deep, I was met by my higher self, who told me as clear as day, to share these rituals with the world. This was something I’d wanted to do for a while, but I wasn’t listening to that inner guidance and I wasn’t prepared to take myself out of my comfort zone.
Under this Aries New Moon, I set my intentions with gratitude, I gave thanks for the opportunity for growth, and for being able to share my light and my knowledge with the world, and I wrote down that I will have put on my first full moon ritual within 6 months. I imagined it, I felt how it would feel to finally have these set up, and I imagined sitting in circle with powerful women, all open to my witchy ways and ready to take their self love and self empowerment to the next level.
Over the next few months I didn’t make any steps moving forward with my plan to set up my rituals, and if I’m honest, it’s because I was terrified! I’d been doing these rituals on my own for as long as I can remember, and I’d even had people messaging me 2 years prior to this asking me “when are you coming to put your witchy nights on”, but there was something in me holding me back.
I remember vividly the the moment it all came together, on September 9th on the Virgo New Moon, I was met by my higher self again, only this time she wasn’t messing around! I was practically told off - she / I told myself I had 2 weeks before the full moon to get this prepared and out there. There was a sense of frustration and urgency, a feeling of knowing it was time, this was something I had been practising my whole life, and it was time to share. This was my light, my gift to the world and I couldn’t keep it to myself any longer, and I couldn’t ignore this inner voice anymore.
So fast forward 5 months after I set my intention, my first Full Moon Ritual was born! And when did my Full Moon Ritual come into fruition? On a Full Moon in Aries!! THANK YOU UNIVERSE!
From planting the seed and setting my intentions, to it blooming with this beautiful springtime full moon. It had come full circle. Everything I wrote down during that new moon in Aries, manifested itself in perfect timing.Aries is great for new beginnings, it’s the first sign of the zodiac, it’s the warrior, it’s the pioneer, it’s very focused on what it wants. It’s very much this springtime energy, full of rebirth and growth, it is a massive opportunity to start a new, full of rejuvenation and empowerment.
If you feel a sense of energy changing, go with the flow, use this bold Aries warrior energy to step out of your comfort zone and manifest what you want. If you are longing for change, make it happen, this new moon expands our imagination and our creative potential, it is an opportunity for rebirthing of self.
Set a clear intentions for this new beginning, what do you want to manifest? What do you want to birth into your life? Make sure it is in alignment with your soul purpose, what is it you can’t stop thinking about? What is your passion?
Please take the time for yourself during this new New Moon energy, tune in to your inner wisdom, meditate on what you want out of life, listen out for these downloads from your super conscious! Write it all down on paper and manifest your hearts desires.
This is so beautiful ❤️ I can’t believe I forgot it was an Aries full moon that got us together, how perfect that it was! I am so glad I’ve been on this journey with you. And I’m so grateful that you followed your intuition and started holding the rituals at the exact moment that I needed them! I don’t know if I’d be where I am now without you and the amazing group of women you brought together but it doesn’t feel like it. You helped me regain my power, rediscover my inner self and start trusting in my magic and intuition again at exactly the moment I needed to. I’ve never been happier than I am now despite (or maybe because of?) all the hell I’ve been through the past few years and you and your rituals and the Aries magic we share played a massive part in that! Onwards and upwards babe. Onto the next bit of magic you are going to share. And I can’t wait for my bath and meditation tonight to set my intentions for the rest of my life. Thank you for being a magical and beautiful teacher, witch and friend. ✨🖤✨
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