On Thursday 17th September, we have a SuperMoon at 25 degrees of Virgo, 12pm UK time, and it is the first in a line up of three Super New Moons. A SuperMoon means that the moon is much closer to the earth in its orbit, making the energy of new beginnings much stronger, and will be amplified by the activation of a portal that will guide us through the next three SuperMoons. During a New Moon the sky is dark, even though the Moon will not be visible on this night, we will still feel the strong lunar energies activate within us. While feelings of instability may arise under this New Moon, Virgo is the perfect energy to help us...
CRONE OF THE WINTER SOLSTICE MEDITATION Close your eyes and start to take deep breaths in and out through your nose. Sit with your spine nice and tall, or lay down if this is more comfortable for you. Start to deepen your breath, taking in long slow inhalations through the nose, then exhaling long, slow relaxing breaths out through the nose, allowing your whole body to soften and relax. Visualise a white sparkly mist showering over you, and with each exhalation breathe the white mist out until the light surrounds you. Imagine yourself standing in a magickal winter forest. It feels ancient yet you know this place, there is a sense of familiarity. Snow lays thick on the forest floor...
The Virgo Super New Moon on the 30th August brings an abundance of cosmic offerings and will give us the chance to rebuild and restructure our lives by offering us grounding and super charged energy. It is bringing with it the potential to start new projects, a chance to start a fresh new beginning and lift and support us down the direction we wish to travel. We just have to be willing to release and let go of the past, so that we can move lightly into our future. New Moons represent the start of a new lunar cycle and are a great time to plant seeds and set intentions for the month to come. While this is true of all New...
I wanted to share with you my story about how this Moon, around this time last year had a powerful and positive impact on my life. My Full Moon Rituals were birthed from the potent energy of this New Moon in Aries. Last year on my 30th Birthday, on the 15th April, the moon fell in my sign, and I knew the potential this moon had for me. I could feel it! Feeling compelled to do my rituals as always, I did what I always do on a New Moon, I bathed, saged my myself and my space, lit my candles and meditated. Only this time my meditation went deep, I was met by my higher self, who told me...
On January 31st 2018, we were graced with.. wait for it… a Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse! This Full Moon was also in the sign of Leo, and was the first of three Blood Moon’s heading our way, creating a portal of change and transformation. Next we had an Aquarius Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in July 2018, which was the longest eclipse of this century, lasting an hour and 23 minutes. For the finale, we wrap up these Eclipses with another Super Blood Moon Eclipse in Leo, which is the last in the cycle, which means the final rebirth is here. This is the final release and culmination moment to all of this energy, and it’s the perfect time for ritual...