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Crone Of The Winter Solstice Meditation

CRONE OF THE WINTER SOLSTICE MEDITATION Close your eyes and start to take deep breaths in and out through your nose. Sit with your spine nice and tall, or lay down if this is more comfortable for you. Start to deepen your breath, taking in long slow inhalations through the nose, then exhaling long, slow relaxing breaths out through the nose, allowing your whole body to soften and relax. Visualise a white sparkly mist showering over you, and with each exhalation breathe the white mist out until the light surrounds you. Imagine yourself standing in a magickal winter forest. It feels ancient yet you know this place, there is a sense of familiarity. Snow lays thick on the forest floor...

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Cancer Super Full Moon Ritual

 Super Full Moon in Cancer Welcoming the New Year with open arms, excitement and reflection. January 2018 is kickstarting the year with a bang by blessing us with a Super Full Moon on the 1st and 2nd and ending with a Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 31st!Full Moon’s represents a time of completion and releasing, an opportunity to cleanse your mind, body and spirit as well as your lives as you release what no longer serves you. As this Full Moon falls in the water sign of Cancer, the energy is asking us to be gentle with ourselves and truly give love to one and other as well as ourselves. We start this year off surrounded by love from...

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