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Intuitive Astrology: New Moon in Sagittarius

The sun has just entered the sign of Sagittarius, and on the 26th of November we have a New Moon in Sagittarius at 4 degrees.As with any New Moon, it brings us the magic of new beginnings, but this New Moon represents the start of a fresh new cycle, an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and embark on an adventure, one filled with the wind in our sails moving in a new direction towards a bigger sense of purpose to our life. Life is full of twists and turns, and not all roads lead to our desired destination, but that’s part of the beauty of life, looking towards our internal compass to navigate our way to what truly fills...

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Intuitive Astrology: Full Moon in Taurus 2019

On Tuesday 12th we have a very beautiful and abundant Full Moon in Taurus, here to bring supportive and nurturing energies and an opportunity to slow down and tune in. Throughout the month of November we have huge quantities of expansive energy that is available for us to tap into, we just need to remember our worth, trust that we are enough and that we are worthy to receive.We have the Sun in Scorpio, the Moon is transitioning into Taurus, and right in the middle of this we have Mercury retrograde in Scorpio which is even more of a reason to slow down and connect back in. For some, Mercury retrograde is a time people resist, because they are always...

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Intuitive Astrology: New Moon in Scorpio 2019

The Scorpio New Moon falls on October 27-28th and is bringing strong waves of transformational energy that we will feel deeply in our hearts, and our very core. Every New Moon is a time of inner union, a time when the Sun and the Moon are exactly conjunct at the same point in the sky, together at 4 degrees and 25 minutes of Scorpio. It’s the union of masculine and feminine, of yin and yang, the reunion and reintegration of the two celestial bodies since the last pairing in the New Moon in Libra. The Sun and Moon in Scorpio is an intense connection into your emotional well being, it delves into where you go to feel things that others...

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Intuitive Astrology: Full Moon in Aries 2019

Under the light of this October Full Moon, we are being guided to take action on our true purpose as well as accept ourselves for all of our shadows and flaws. The Moon falls in the sign of Aries, and in true warrior style, we are encouraged to take no prisoners on this path to self freedom, but with the Sun opposing the Moon in the sign of Libra, we are reminded that we don’t have to chart this path alone even if the independent, stubborn and bold Arian energy wants us to. On Sunday 13th October we have a Full Moon at 20° of Aries and it is going to illuminate something in our psyche that has been buried...

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Intuitive Astrology: Super New Moon in Libra

On the Autumn equinox, the Sun moved into the sign of Libra, how perfect to fall on a day of equal balance. On the 28th of September, 2019 we will have a Super New Moon at 5 degrees of Libra, opposing Chiron in Aries, square to Saturn. The Libra SuperMoon is here to highlight the relationship with ourselves. This moon is going to teach us to accept ourselves, and have self love for who we are, so that we can feel more aligned and centred within ourselves, so that we can get a clear understanding on what we can offer out into the world. The SuperMoon means things are going to feel more intense, bringing an incredible heaviness, and depth in...

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