The energy is palpable, the skies full of wonder, our planets dancing their way through their cosmic conversations as they align for our monthly spectacle. The Full Moon falls at 9 degrees and 5 minutes of Leo on 28th/29th January 11:16am PT & 7.16pm UK time. As with all Full Moons it is an intense energy of things rising to the surface, it is a completion energy, a culmination or a feeling of completion, and with this Leo Full Moon opposing the Sun and Jupiter in Aquarius there is a strong theme around leadership and individuality coming through, and an illumination around something that we may not have seen before. The Leo Full Moon asks us to drop into the...
The February 2020 Full Moon falls on the 8th-9th at 20 degrees of Leo, 7:33am UK time and the energy of this Full Moon is here to reignite the fire within our hearts and is all about letting our unique spark shine. This Full Moon brings important medicine for us to tap into, we have some powerful work to do and the courageous and bold energy of the Leo Moon is here to help us access it. We are challenged to see our full potential in a universe of expansive boundless possibilities. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and is connected to the heart space, it is a fire sign that reminds us to connect with all that lights us...
On January 31st 2018, we were graced with.. wait for it… a Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse! This Full Moon was also in the sign of Leo, and was the first of three Blood Moon’s heading our way, creating a portal of change and transformation. Next we had an Aquarius Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in July 2018, which was the longest eclipse of this century, lasting an hour and 23 minutes. For the finale, we wrap up these Eclipses with another Super Blood Moon Eclipse in Leo, which is the last in the cycle, which means the final rebirth is here. This is the final release and culmination moment to all of this energy, and it’s the perfect time for ritual...