Blog — Lunar Eclipse RSS

Lunar Eclipse in Libra 2024

Eclipse Season 2024 commences with a Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Libra on March 25th. The portal that opens under this Libra Lunar Eclipse is one of endings. It seems that we are being guided to bring something to a close. A chapter in our lives is coming to an end, there is a redirection, a new pathway for us to take. Whether it entails taking the road less travelled and unfamiliar to us, let go of a toxic trait, negative thought pattern, way of belief, a job or a relationship, we're guided to embrace this transformative journey, with unwavering trust. There is a tangible, undeniable energy surging through the collective right now, cracking our hearts wide open...

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Intuitive Astrology: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

As we traverse the infinite cosmic expanse, we encounter celestial phenomena that awaken our consciousness and catalyse our journey towards growth and enlightenment. Eclipse Season is one such powerful moment, where the universe bestows upon us a concentrated influx of energy, urging us to shed our old skins and embrace the new.  The universe is alight with potent energy, surging with a force unlike any other. We stand witness to a rare celestial event, as the second new moon in Aries solar eclipse from last month continues to reverberate its power across the heavens, paving the way for transformative changes that will manifest in our lives. Pluto's square with the 29-degree mark of Aries will repeatedly activate and re-energise the...

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Intuitive Astrology: Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn 2020

We are at the midpoint of the year, and we are heading straight through the Eclipse Gateway, journeying through the portal of Divine Union. As we navigate our way through Eclipse Season, we can start to notice themes unfolding for us, we have been shown glimmers of what it is that needs to be transmuted within each of us an individual but also within the collective as a whole. The Capricorn Lunar Eclipse at 22 degrees on 4th/5th July is here to help us deal with our shadow, ultimately bringing a wave of energy needed to release any hidden fears we may be holding on to. The last eclipse dealt with karma, and this next moon cycle offers us a...

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Aquarius Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Ritual

Blood Moon Ritual We are now in the midst of eclipse season, and many of you will probably be feeling the great changes that are taking place. Coming up on July 27th & 28th is a full moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius, this is going to be the longest eclipse of this century, lasting an hour and 23 minutes. The Aquarius Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse is a rare celestial event that is a gift from the cosmos. During this intense time it forces us to go within and understand what emotions we are feeling, what pain are we holding onto, and most importantly understand what is it that we want out of life. A lot of you may be experiencing...

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