Blog — Full Moon RSS

Intuitive Astrology: Full Moon In Aquarius

On the 15th August, the Moon will move into the sign of Aquarius.. full illumination at 22°24’ 1.29pm UK time. I have been feeling into this energy for a while now, and I know I'm not alone. This Aquarius energy is going to be shining a light on what we can do to serve each other, as well as what you can do to best support yourself as you shed and go through changes. Aquarian energy is connected to awakening and truth, Aquarians are the most unique and interesting thinkers in the Zodiac. The Aquarius loves to read, theorise, and write. With this energy you may be feeling really drawn to walking a path of truth and empowerment. If you are evolving...

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Sagittarius Full Moon Ritual

The Sagittarius Full Moon on 17th June is dreamy, intuitive and fiery and bringing us all the creative feels! Sagittarius is a seeker of truth, an explorer of new adventures and knowledge, and is here to remind us that the magic we seek, has been inside us all along. The fiery sign of Sagittarius will help ignite the fire within so we can step into our personal power, our own truth, and help guide us intuitively to explore our dreams in a new direction.The energies surrounding this Full Moon are bringing us waves of new inspiration, but on a deeper level, if we so desire, will be gifting us with new downloads of cosmic information, all for the greater good...

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Intuitive Astrology: Sagittarius Full Moon

 On June 17th The Full Moon will grace our skies in the optimistic and buoyant sign of Sagittarius, sitting just degrees away from our bright and sparkly Galactic Centre. The energetic effects of this are going to amplify and upgrade the collective consciousness as well as raise the frequency of our planet.This moon is bringing us the opportunity to shift to that higher state of consciousness, by helping us to raise our vibration. We are entering into an evolution of consciousness and being given cosmic upgrades, we just need to slow down, listen and be present to the pouring in of new downloads and information. This is a dreamy Full Moon that will amplify our intuitive gifts and allow...

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Super Blood Moon Eclipse in Leo

On January 31st 2018, we were graced with.. wait for it… a Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse! This Full Moon was also in the sign of Leo, and was the first of three Blood Moon’s heading our way, creating a portal of change and transformation. Next we had an Aquarius Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in July 2018, which was the longest eclipse of this century, lasting an hour and 23 minutes. For the finale, we wrap up these Eclipses with another Super Blood Moon Eclipse in Leo, which is the last in the cycle, which means the final rebirth is here. This is the final release and culmination moment to all of this energy, and it’s the perfect time for ritual...

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Taurus Hunters Full Moon Ritual

Taurus Full Moon Ritual - October 2018 The Taurus Full Moon on October 24th, also known as the Full Hunter's Moon is going to help us to find our calm, it is in this place of calm and tranquility that we find our strength. This is the strength that comes when we align and centre ourselves. Even in the most volatile and disruptive situations when we are level headed and calm we can overcome and withstand any situation life throws at us. Even though Taurus is one of the most stable and balanced signs of the zodiac, the energy that this October moon brings will heighten and intensify certain situations or emotions you won't be able to ignore... by following this ritual or creating...

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