Taurus Full Moon Ritual - October 2018 The Taurus Full Moon on October 24th, also known as the Full Hunter's Moon is going to help us to find our calm, it is in this place of calm and tranquility that we find our strength. This is the strength that comes when we align and centre ourselves. Even in the most volatile and disruptive situations when we are level headed and calm we can overcome and withstand any situation life throws at us. Even though Taurus is one of the most stable and balanced signs of the zodiac, the energy that this October moon brings will heighten and intensify certain situations or emotions you won't be able to ignore... by following this ritual or creating...
The Pisces Full Moon on August 26th-27th is going to be one of the best Full Moons this year, showering us with a beautiful, calm and restorative vibration. This moon is here to guide us through the intensities we have all experienced through the recent cosmic events of eclipses and retrogrades. The energy of this Full Moon is going to bring us back into alignment, it's going to stir our passions and activate our feminine energy, reminding us of our power and our connection to the Divine. If your fears have been illuminated recently it's because you were meant to feel the pain, mother moon is here to soothe you and melt them away. Under the influence of this Pisces...
The Full Moon in Pisces approaching on August 26th-27th is a very special moon, it carries a beautiful energy that is here to encourage us to reach for bigger dreams and help us anchor what is it that we truly want out of life. A Full Moon is a time of completion, often a climatic point of the month where emotions tend to run high, and particularly in this case we have a very emotional watery sign in Pisces. As beautiful as this moon is, as it is the final water sign it is here to take us to the deepest darkest depths of our soul, where the unresolved pain lies dormant. However through this healing journey, like the lotus...
Super Full Moon in Leo: Blood Blue Moon Eclipse Ritual Full Moon's are always energetically powerful, deeply illuminating for the mind and spirit, and also intensely magical times. When the moon is in her entire illuminated phase, she brings a time of fulfilment, creativity and increased psychic awareness. We can use the energy of this Blood Blue Moon Eclipse to reach out to our higher selves for guidance and answers, become more in tune with our inner-self, and connect with our soul. Lets harness the magic to expand our spiritual consciousness and energetic evolution. Lunar Eclipses are always about releasing, and with any full Moon comes a time of letting go of what no longer serves you, releasing from...
The Throat Chakra - The 5th Chakra Sanskrit: Vishuddha Chakra - which means “pure” or “purification”. Colour: Blue, pale blue, silver or greenish blue. Sense: Hearing. Symbol: 16 - petalled lotus. Mantra: HAM. Associated element: Ether or Akasha Basic principle: Resonance of being. Associated parts of the body: Neck, throat, and jaw. Ears, voice, trachea, bronchial tubes, upper lungs, oesophagus, arms. Associated Gland: Thyroid Crystals: Aquamarine, Chrysocolla, Turquoise, Chalcedony, Blue Agate, Sodalite. Nutrition: Blue foods: Currants, Blackberries, Blue grapes, Blueberries, Kelp, Mushrooms Wheatgrass. Aromatherapy: Sage, Eucalyptus, Cedarwood, Rosemary. Associated astrological planets and signs: Gemini/Mercury: Communication, interchange of knowledge and experience. Mars: Active self-expression. Taurus/Venus: Feeling for form of space. Aquarius/Uranus: Divine inspiration, conveying of knowledge and higher wisdom, independence....