☼WHAT IS LAMMAS?☼ On the eve of August 1st, Wiccans gather together to celebrate the first of their harvest festivals, which is named Lammas, or Lughnasadh - pronounced “Loo-nah-sah”, named after the feast of Lughnasadh in honour of the Celtic Sun God “Lugh”. Lammas is the first of the three Sabbats that honour the grain harvest, a time for gathering in and giving thanks for abundance. It is at this time of year we are called to observe and become aware that a change in season is coming, and celebrate the first signs of our intentions manifesting. It is here we give our thanks, and look forward to reaping rewards from the seeds we planted earlier in the year. We...
We are at the midpoint of the year, and we are heading straight through the Eclipse Gateway, journeying through the portal of Divine Union. As we navigate our way through Eclipse Season, we can start to notice themes unfolding for us, we have been shown glimmers of what it is that needs to be transmuted within each of us an individual but also within the collective as a whole. The Capricorn Lunar Eclipse at 22 degrees on 4th/5th July is here to help us deal with our shadow, ultimately bringing a wave of energy needed to release any hidden fears we may be holding on to. The last eclipse dealt with karma, and this next moon cycle offers us a...
On June 20th-21st we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer, falling just moments after the Summer Solstice, making this the most powerful New Moon of 2020. The New Moon falls at zero degrees of Cancer, and zero degrees of any zodiac sign is a powerful portal that represents a world of infinite possibilities. A New Moon is always for setting new intentions, and when it lands on zero degrees, this means this is a cosmic reset, a blank canvas for us all to create a new future. On June 21st, as the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, we experience the Solstice, a moment where the Sun “stands still” as it reaches its farthest...
New Moon 22nd May 2020 at 2 degrees of Gemini New moons are a cosmic reset, a blank slate, where we get to create a new vision and imprint into the energy field of our multiverse, and we get to decide what is going to unfold for us in the next lunar cycle. This is our chance to cast our dreams out into the conscious stream of infinite possibility, an opportunity to set our intentions for what we want to manifest into our lives. The New Moon happens once a month when the Sun and Moon are conjunct, a renewal of energy, a new force, a new alignment between the feminine (moon), and the masculine (sun), it is a cosmic...
On Monday 9th March we are going to be under the illuminating power of the Virgo Super Full Moon at 19 degrees. This is the last Full Moon before the start of the astrological new year, making this a potent time for releasing what is no longer worthy of carrying forward, healing, and accepting that not everything is meant to stay in our lives. The Virgo SuperMoon is a bringer of truth, and Neptune will be opposing this Full Moon, the planet that rules the spiritual realm and the watery flow of creativity, guiding us to pay close attention to our intuition and dreams. Just as the Full Moon peaks, Virgo’s ruling planet Mercury stations direct, signalling the end of...