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☽ What is Imbolc? ☾ Imbolc is the second of the Greater Sabbats in the Witches' Wheel of the Year. Celebrated on Feb 1st & 2nd and marks the beginning of the lambing season and the beginning of spring. It is a time to let go of the old and welcome the new, a time for new beginnings and rebirth. It is a fire festival that represents fertility and giving birth to new life. It is the perfect time to clear and declutter our lives, as well as our minds, allowing our outer and inner space to welcome new beginnings. Imbolc pronounced “im’-molk” is an Irish Gaelic word which means “in milk” - a nourishing element to this season with...

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Samhain Samhain is festival of darkness and transition, celebrated on October 31st, to which is balance to the opposite point of the wheel; Beltane on May 31st which is a spring festival celebrating light and fertility. Samhain pronounced "sow'inn" translates to “SUMMERS END” and is the Celtic New Year festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the "darker half" of the year.  Samhain is a time to celebrate the lives of our ancestors, it is a festival to celebrate the cycle of death and rebirth. It is a holiday to honour and give life to passed family members, pets and others we have loved and cared about by celebrating them and telling stories of who they were....

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New Moon Solar Eclipse

  The Cancer Solar Eclipse is approaching July 12th -13th and is bringing all the watery feels! I wanted to talk to you a little bit about the energy that it is bringing, and for some of you will be already feeling the effects of this new moon. I myself have personally been affected by these energies very strongly so I wanted to share with you my insight. Like a New Moon, Solar Eclipses are always a time of change. Think of them as a super powerful New Moon that can bring about new opportunities, but also unearth some stagnant energies that need letting go of in order for you to move with the flow and transition of life. This...

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Leo Blood Blue Moon Eclipse Ritual

Super Full Moon in Leo: Blood Blue Moon Eclipse Ritual   Full Moon's are always energetically powerful, deeply illuminating for the mind and spirit, and also intensely magical times. When the moon is in her entire illuminated phase, she brings a time of fulfilment, creativity and increased psychic awareness. We can use the energy of this Blood Blue Moon Eclipse to reach out to our higher selves for guidance and answers, become more in tune with our inner-self, and connect with our soul. Lets harness the magic to expand our spiritual consciousness and energetic evolution. Lunar Eclipses are always about releasing, and with any full Moon comes a time of letting go of what no longer serves you, releasing from...

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