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Intuitive Astrology: Full Super Moon in Virgo 2020

On Monday 9th March we are going to be under the illuminating power of the Virgo Super Full Moon at 19 degrees. This is the last Full Moon before the start of the astrological new year, making this a potent time for releasing what is no longer worthy of carrying forward, healing, and accepting that not everything is meant to stay in our lives.  The Virgo SuperMoon is a bringer of truth, and Neptune will be opposing this Full Moon, the planet that rules the spiritual realm and the watery flow of creativity, guiding us to pay close attention to our intuition and dreams.  Just as the Full Moon peaks, Virgo’s ruling planet Mercury stations direct, signalling the end of...

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Intuitive Astrology: New Moon in Pisces

On Sunday 23rd February 2020 the Sun and the Moon conjunct at 4° of Pisces, bringing us an energetically powerful New Moon that is ushering a new sense of balance and clarity, and asking us to dive deeper into our spiritual exploration.The New Moon in Pisces is happening at the same time as Mercury is stationed retrograde in Pisces, the mystical water sign that will be helping us reconnect or re-align with our higher purpose on our souls mission or spiritual path. Mercury rules every form of communication and the mind, and Pisces is intuitive heart energy, it’s creative and dreamy by nature and carries hidden energy that allows us to go to profound places to do the visionary work. This...

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Intuitive Astrology: Full Moon in Leo 2020

The February 2020 Full Moon falls on the 8th-9th at 20 degrees of Leo, 7:33am UK time and the energy of this Full Moon is here to reignite the fire within our hearts and is all about letting our unique spark shine.  This Full Moon brings important medicine for us to tap into, we have some powerful work to do and the courageous and bold energy of the Leo Moon is here to help us access it. We are challenged to see our full potential in a universe of expansive boundless possibilities.  Leo is ruled by the Sun, and is connected to the heart space, it is a fire sign that reminds us to connect with all that lights us...

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Intuitive Astrology: Solar Eclipse in Capricorn

On December 25th-26th things are about to get a whole lot more magickal. We are entering into the last New Moon of the decade and we are welcoming the start of Eclipse Season, with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. Solar Eclipses are powerful portals, that accelerate our souls expansion at a rapid speed, combined with the potent rebirthing energy of a New Moon, we are gearing up for a stellar shift and an elevated level of consciousness for the collective. The energy surrounding this Solar Eclipse is abundant and expansive, and with the Earthly sign of Capricorn, this New Moon is grounding in nature, helping us ground our intentions into this reality. Capricorn is an...

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Crone Of The Winter Solstice Meditation

CRONE OF THE WINTER SOLSTICE MEDITATION Close your eyes and start to take deep breaths in and out through your nose. Sit with your spine nice and tall, or lay down if this is more comfortable for you. Start to deepen your breath, taking in long slow inhalations through the nose, then exhaling long, slow relaxing breaths out through the nose, allowing your whole body to soften and relax. Visualise a white sparkly mist showering over you, and with each exhalation breathe the white mist out until the light surrounds you. Imagine yourself standing in a magickal winter forest. It feels ancient yet you know this place, there is a sense of familiarity. Snow lays thick on the forest floor...

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